High school and other students
Calculators are not permitted in university calculus courses so you should complete all work without a calculator.Thank you for your interest in our pre-calculus review workshop! If you are a high school student, please follow the instructions provided by your teacher.
In general, we recommend employing the following approach when working through the different chapters of the workshop.
- Take the diagnostic pre-test.
Before beginning to work through any of the five chapters, write the diagnostic pre-test corresponding to that chapter. This will provide you with some indication of how well you know the material found in that chapter.
Please note that the online quizzes will be available by August 5, 2016. - Carefully read the typed content and take additional notes.
It is recommended that you read each section, watch the videos and make additional notes for yourself. Organize these notes so that you can easily access them when you are working through the worksheets. - Take notes while watching the videos.
Much of the workshop content is found in the videos and it is very important that you watch these. Organize these notes so that you can easily access them if you need them during your class. - Do lots of practice questions.
At the end of each lesson, you can find a related set of problems. It is recommended that you do several of these practice problems before moving on to the next lesson. - Write the post-tests.
After you have finished working through one of the chapters, write the post-test corresponding to that chapter. This will provide you with some indication of how well you have learned the material contained in that chapter. If there are any areas in which you need extra assistance, please contact your instructor.
References for Further Reading
Miroslav Lovric, Calculus: Fear no MoreJames Stewart & Lothar Redlin & Saleem Watson, Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus (6th ed.)